
Creation Date
Art and Design | Sculpture
This sculpture was created as part of the Linfield College course Introduction to Studio, taught by Totem Shriver.
Artist's Statement
Is the assortment of objects within the confines of the cage captured, or do they capture themselves? Does the camera capture or is it being captured? What does it mean to capture? Is the cage a representation of something bigger?
The juxtaposition of the man-made vs. the organic line creates an uncanny relationship between the overall shape and form of the cage. The curvature and linear properties are of opposing worlds; man-made vs. organic. The repetitive pattern of the cage confines the objects and ideas. The crab is related to humanity and we must take note that we have the potential to feel caged, whether that is with moral issues, technology, etc. The objects and the cage itself are concepts that we have captured in our own minds. The door is what stands between being captured or freedom. Find the door of freedom!
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Recommended Citation
Shriver, Totem and Fojas, Jasmine, "Captive? (View 3)" (2017). Introduction to Studio Toothpick Sculptures. Image. Submission 67.
Photograph courtesy of Kailee Scott-Unger '19.