
Creation Date
Art and Design | Sculpture
This sculpture was created as part of the Linfield College course Introduction to Studio, taught by Totem Shriver.
Artist's Statement
Our piece is titled after the species of a Sea Nettle jellyfish. Jellyfish in spiritual cultures symbolize tranquility and peace of mind. The idea of floating and drifting through the ocean's currents rather than swimming reveals the jellyfish's absent-minded nature of life itself. Our Sea Nettle is swimming in an upward position signifying the desire to strive forward, giving our piece a sense of balance and optimism in which we strive for. Our group's aim for this project was to create something with movement & flexibility, with toothpicks which are essentially a straight and rigid medium. The irony of this piece lies in its contrasting appearance and aesthetic through the medium of wood and aquatic nature of the jellyfish. Our jellyfish aims to float toward good vibes, optimism, and tranquility.
Hope you enjoy.
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Recommended Citation
Ouye, Rachelle; Pierce, Nathan; and Williamson, Haley, "Sea Nettle (View 1)" (2017). Introduction to Studio Toothpick Sculptures. Image. Submission 63.
Photograph courtesy of Kailee Scott-Unger '19.